So yet again I've come home from work, to find a young Blue-Tongue Lizard just chilling near my kitchen table. I have no idea how the hell it got there, nor why it's out at night. Though, they are probably the most hopeless of all lizards when it comes to effective path finding, because they're always the kind you find stuck in your garage. And I guess, my house must clearly be the greatest hang out ever for native animals, seeing as every afternoon there's a bunch of Rainbow Lorikeets in the tree, and the past couple of nights I've found a bunch of frogs that aren't so common, and now a lizard in my kitchen.
I'm not complaining though. I like lizards. Blue-Tongue Lizards aren't all that common either, but most smaller ones are quite tame and happy to sit on your hand for a while, Bigger ones don't appreciate being picked up but they aren't too bothered by the presence of people. I picked him up and took a quick snap before sending it on it's way, though now I'm wondering what else I'm going to come home to... Gotta love living in Australia, where if an animal doesn't kill you, it'll move in with you...
Your ecology down there is pretty boss.